
The happy, the sad and the rabid – about science fiction fandom

One of the oldest large gathering of science fiction-fans was the 1939 “Worldcon” in New York. A conflict between local New York fan clubs made the committee ban several fans, among them Frederik Poul. Since then, there have been many other conflicts in “fandom” – at that time only US fandom, but later Worldcon-going fandom […]

CoNZealand – virtual Worldcon 2020

Science Fiction’s Worldcon is a gathering of fans from most countries on Earth. So when the covid-19 pandemic stuck, the organizers of this year’s Worldcon in New Zealand predicted that they wouldn’t be able to hold a physical convention, and decided to turn the physical convention into a virtual convention. Not having the money required […]

Westworld og science fiction-filmenes sprog

Dette er ikke et indlæg om den nye Westworld tv-serie. Faktisk har jeg endnu fået den set. Derimod handler det om Michael Crichtons gamle Westworld, som jeg genså i 2016. Westworld var akkkurat så god som jeg huskede den fra først gang jeg så den. Plottet kører som et velkomponeret stykke musik, selv om dens […]